Methodology: Applied Econometrics, Data Mining/Machine Learning, Online/Field Experiments
Journal Publications
Baojun Gao, Jing Wang, Xiaojie Ding, and Yue Guo, "The Pitfallls of Review Solicitation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment on TripAdvisor," Management Science, forthcoming.
Jing Wang, Gen Li, and Kai-Lung Hui. "Monetary Incentives and Knowledge Spillover: Evidence from a Natural Experiment," Management Science, 68(5), 2022, 3549-3572.
Gen Li, and Jing Wang. "Threshold Effects on Backer Motivations in Reward-Based Crowdfunding," Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(2), 2019, 546-573.
Jason Chan, and Jing Wang. "Hiring Preferences in Online Labor Markets: Evidence of a Female Hiring Bias," Management Science, 64(7), 2018, 2973-2994.
Jing Wang, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, and Foster Provost. "Cost-Effective Quality Assurance in Crowd Labeling," Information Systems Research, 28(1), 2017, 137-158.
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Foster Provost, Victor S. Sheng, and Jing Wang. "Repeated Labeling Using Multiple Noisy Labelers," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 28(2), 2014, 402-441.
Jing Wang, Siddharth Suri, and Duncan J. Watts. "Cooperation and Assortativity with Dynamic Partner Updating," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 109(36), 2012, 14363-14368.
Working Papers
Shan Liu, Fan Zhang, Jing Wang, and Baojun Gao. "From Winning to Giving: The Effect of Gold Medals in Innovation Contests".
Jiaxin Lei, and Jing Wang. "The Effects of Copyrights on Music Creation: Evidence from the U.S. Music Modernization Act".
Shixi Xie, Baojun Gao, and Jing Wang. "Crisis and Gender Inequality in Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from Crowdfunding".
Gen Li, Yao Zhao, Jing Wang, and Liangfei Qiu. "Impact of Flexible Delivery Time Presentation on Customer Ordering Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment".
Wanci Yuan, Gen Li, Jing Wang, and Kai-Lung Hui. "Knowledge Contribution under Demographic Information Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment".
Wanci Yuan, Kai-Lung Hui, and Jing Wang. "Does Crowdfunding Spur Innovation? The Impact of Kickstarter on US Patent Applications".
Editorial Review Board, Information Systems Research, 01/2025-present
Associate Editor, Service Science, 01/2024-present
Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly (MISQ), 01/2021-12/2024
Associate Editor, INFORMS Journal on Data Science, 12/2023-12/2024
Program Chair, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems(WITS) 2024
Conference Track Chair, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023, 2022, 2020
Doctoral Consortium Mentor, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2023
IS PhD Coordinator, 04/2019-08/2024
Search and Appointments Committee, Department of ISOM, 09/2016-present
IS MPhil/PhD Committee, 09/2016-present
Selection Committee on Common Core Teaching Excellence Award, 2019
Conference Co-organizer, Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP) 2011